Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association

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  • 日本語

Activities of CESA committees

Activities of CESA committees

Events Committee

The Tokyo Game Show is one of the largest computer entertainment exhibitions in the world and the Events Committee strives to provide maximum satisfaction to both visitors and exhibitors alike. Through the Tokyo Game Show, the committee works not only to stimulate Japan's entertainment industry but also to promote a greater public awareness of the industry and its products both within Japan as well as abroad.
It also plans and organizes the "JAPAN GAME AWARDS" that are annually awarded to outstanding products. Considering computer entertainment to be one form of culture, the committee strives for the further promotion and development of the industry by exhibiting these awards openly to the public.

Technical Committee

The Technical Committee organizes Computer Entertainment Developers Conference (CEDEC), a comprehensive technical information conference on the latest technologies, methods and tools regarding game development. The conference is held to provide prospective developers in the industry with technical information and to promote exchange between them. When a common subject of interest arises, such as the development of mobile phone playable contents, the committee swiftly organizes section meetings and research meetings to seek development solutions.

Public Affairs & Member Education Committee

This committee provides various educational programs to general game users, parents, educators, game companies, etc.

Committee for quality improvement of Customer Support(CS)

The activity purpose of this committee is for preventing consumers problem arising in gaming industry. Information of urgent problem, countermeasure, and know-how are studied between game development companies. Also this committee cooperates with the organization related for the grasp of the consumers trouble.

Research and Relations Committee

The Research and Relations Committee functions as a liaison office for the public, expressing the association's views when necessary. The committee performs investigations on various topics or public requests related to gaming and the game industry, recruiting the services of outside experts and academic specialists.

Network Game Committee

This committee mainly involves network games which have been leading in developing and evolving computer entertainment industry and solves the issues of network games through clarification or discussion. Also cooperation and consensus building among the entire game industry are other objectives for the committee.

eSports Committee

This committee is committed to addressing and resolving various issues related to eSports for the purpose of raising public awareness and establishing eSports as a household name nationwide.